The mermaid figurehead on the prow of a ship pacified the sea gods, assured good weather and pointed a safe way back to port. Myths of the mermaid can be traced back to Babylonian times, when they were represented in sculpture as Oannes, the fish god. These half-human, half-fish creatures were irresistible to sailors, even though they were often associated with bad luck — legends say that mermaids would lure sailors off course with their wiles, sometimes to their deaths.
SIZE:Please allow 2 weeks shipping time as each piece must be made to your specified size.
These exquisite hand-carved and casted jewelry pieces are crafted from high-quality bronze or sterling silver, creating a unique and eye-catching accessory. Each piece is meticulously sculpted and casted, resulting in a stunning and artful creation.
HOW TO CARE: Clean your necklace with a soft cloth or jewelry polishing cloth to remove dirt, oils, and grime. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can scratch or damage the material. It is recommended to remove your jewelry chain before sleeping to ensure its longevity and prevent any potential damage.